Friday, April 13 and Saturday, April 14, 2018

Department of Computer Science and Technology, Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH, USA

Sprouts is a Combinatorial Games Conference oriented towards undergraduate research, created as a joint collaboration between the University of New England and Plymouth State University. Sprouts is also a combinatorial game that is especially popular in the Netherlands.


Friday, April 13

Events in Memorial 312 unless otherwise noted.

Saturday, April 14

Talk Abstracts


We will have an informal NoCanDo tournament. This will include a computer competition and a human competition. Here are instructions for attendees to create their computer players.


There is no cost to register for this conference. Please email Kyle () if you plan to attend, so we can plan ahead for you. We'll do whatever we can to accommodate as many people as possible. We don't expect more than 30, but we'll be happy to include whomever we can.

Travel Information


The two closest hotels to Plymouth State are the Common Man Inn (.7 miles from campus) and the Fairfield Inn (2.3 miles from campus).


The best parking lot to use is Lot 304 (the "Hyde Lot"), located on the east side of Langdon St between High St and Merrill St. Entrances to the lot are on Langdon St and Merrill St. Maps:

No parking pass is needed during the day for the conference.



Thanks to the Plymouth State Department of Computer Science and Technology for providing us with space for the talks and for funding the conference dinner.

Conference Photos

Conference photos will be posted here afterwards.

Adjacent Events

Other Conferences

Sprouts 2017

Other Combinatorial Games Conferences
