Sprouts 2018 Tournament: NoCanDo

We will run two NoCanDo tournaments at Sprouts: one for humans and one for computers. Attendees can participate in the human tournament by acting like a human. They can also submit code for a computer player. This page provides the code for that.

Source Code

In order to write the player, you'll need some files. (These are all from my GitHub for CG Code.)

Once you have all of this, you can test your player with the following code:

//set things up
Player<NoCanDo> random = new RandomPlayer<NoCanDo>();
Player<NoCanDo> myPlayer = new WhateverYouCalledYourPlayer();
PositionFactory<NoCanDo> factory = new NoCanDo.PositionBuilder(); //only creates empty boards
Referee<NoCanDo> ref = new ManualAdvancingSwingReferee<NoCanDo>(random, myPlayer, factory);

//run the tests
//then test it the other way
ref = new ManualAdvancingSwingReferee<NoCanDo>(myPlayer, random, factory);

//now run a gauntlet (with no GUI)
ref = new Referee<NoCanDo>(myPlayer, random, factory);
ref.gauntlet(100); //plays 100 games and prints results

When you have a working player, please email it to Kyle and he'll include it in the tournament!

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