(We recommend that you write your code in a separate text editor, then copy-paste it here.)
(This does not submit your player to the tournament. There are further directions below for that.)
Here is an example that finds the first gorgon that can make a move and makes the first move it sees:
Gorgons is a partizan combinatorial game played on a square grid. On their turn, the current player chooses one of their gorgons to use. They then choose a direction for that gorgon to face, then move it in that direction (or leave it standing still). Before the gorgon moves, however, their gaze turns a space to stone. That space is either the first other gorgon (of either team) or the last empty space in the chosen direction. The first player who cannot move loses. You can play Gorgons here.
We are holding a computer player tournament as part of Sprouts 2024. People can use this to test their players. Instructions to submit a player are below.
You can work in a group or on your own. There are two categories for players, so you may want to consider that ahead of time. (Details are below.)
We're going to go with 8x8 boards with 15 three Gorgons on each team..
We'll need players to run efficiently. For the actual conference tournament, if we run this with a bunch of contestants at the same time as we're running Zoom, it will get bogged down quickly. (And Kyle's laptop is not very powerful.) Please make sure your player takes their turn in less than 6 seconds on a 10x10 board on your own machine. (If your machine isn't too overpowered, that should equate to about 15 seconds on my laptop.) If specific players are running too long, we'll have to exclude them from the tournament. (If you disagree with these rules, feel free to talk to me. We would much rather have more players than fewer!)
Below, you'll see the details for submitting your player class. It does not have to be "stateless"; you can definitely include fields that your player uses to make moves.
Check out the instructions below. (After this EFAQ.)
Yes, those directions are below!
Keep watching this space, or watch @CGTKyle@mathstodon.xyz (Mastodon) for updates.
Oh yeah. I got it working, but I definitely need to clean it up. Please don't tell my software engineering students! I'll refactor it when I have time (please don't check to see if this answer is the same as it was last year).
If you get a player working as above, you'll need to make a few changes to get it working for the actual Sprouts tournament.
By popular demand, we've included a way to pit two (or more) players against each other.
Here is the underlying JavaScript code for the Gorgons class, which uses the prototype package to define objects:
/** * Game of Gorgons . * * Grid is represented as: * - board 2D grid of board contents as strings (columns as first index). Each element can be either empty ("blank"), blue gorgon ("gorgon blue"), red gorgon ("gorgon red"), stone block ("stone blank"), stone blue gorgon ("stone gorgon blue"), or stone red gorgon ("stone gorgon red"). * @author Kyle Burke */ var Gorgons = Class.create(CombinatorialGame, { /** * Constructor. */ initialize: function(size, numBlueGorgons, numRedGorgons) { numRedGorgons = numRedGorgons || numBlueGorgons; this.playerNames = Gorgons.prototype.PLAYER_NAMES; const width = size; const height = size; if (numBlueGorgons < 0 || numRedGorgons < 0) { console.log("ERROR: trying to create a game with negative gorgons!"); return; } else if (Math.max(numBlueGorgons, numRedGorgons) > (width + height) / 2) { console.log("ERROR: too many gorgons chosen, so we're going down to " + size + " gorgons per side."); } this.board = []; for (var i = 0; i < width; i++) { const column = []; for (var j = 0; j < height; j++) { column.push("blank"); } this.board.push(column); } const evenWidthAbove = width % 2 == 0 ? width : (width + 1); const evenWidthBelow = width % 2 == 0 ? width : (width - 1); for (var i = 0; i < numRedGorgons; i++) { //place a red gorgon var row = Math.floor( (2*i) / width); var column = (2 * i) % evenWidthAbove;// + Math.pow(-1, row); this.board[column][row] = "gorgon red"; } for (var i = 0; i < numBlueGorgons; i++) { //place a blue gorgon row = height - 1 - Math.floor( (2 * i) / evenWidthBelow); column = (2 * i + 1) % evenWidthBelow; this.board[column][row] = "gorgon blue"; } } /** * Returns the width of this board. */ ,getWidth: function() { return this.board.length; } /** * Returns the height of this board. */ ,getHeight: function() { return this.board[0].length; } /** * Returns the number of pieces for a player. */ ,getNumGorgons: function(playerId) { var count = 0; const pieceName = "gorgon " + ( playerId == 0 ? "blue" : "red"); for (var i = 0; i < this.getWidth(); i++) { for (var j = 0; j < this.getHeight(); j++) { if (this.board[i][j] == pieceName) { count ++; } } } return count; } /** * Equals! */ ,equals: function(other) { if (this.getWidth() != other.getWidth() || this.getHeight() != other.getHeight()) { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < this.getWidth(); i++) { for (var j = 0; j < this.getHeight(); j++) { if (this.board[i][j] != other.board[i][j]) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * Clone. */ ,clone: function() { var clone = new Gorgons(this.getWidth(), 0); clone.board = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.getWidth(); i++) { const col = []; for (var j = 0; j < this.getHeight(); j++) { col.push(this.board[i][j]); } clone.board.push(col); } return clone; } /** * Returns whether two sets of coordinates are equal. */ ,coordinatesEquals: function(coordsA, coordsB) { return coordsA[0] == coordsB[0] && coordsA[1] == coordsB[1]; } /** * Returns a list of the locations of spaces a gorgon can stone. */ ,stoneTilesForGorgon: function(gorgonLoc) { const directions = this.getDirections(); const stoneTiles = []; for (var i = 0; i < directions.length; i++) { const direction = directions[i]; if (this.canFace(gorgonLoc, direction)) { stoneTiles.push(this.toStone(gorgonLoc, direction)); } } return stoneTiles; } /** * Returns the coordinates of the space that would be stoned, [col, row]. Coordinates is a 2-vector. Direction is a 2-vector where the values are either 0, 1, or -1 in any combination except for [0, 0]. */ ,toStone: function(source, direction) { var current = source; var next; //console.log("source: " + source); //console.log("direction: " + direction); while(true) { next = [current[0] + direction[0], current[1] + direction[1]]; //console.log("current: " + current); //console.log("next: " + next); if (next[0] == -1 || next[0] == this.getWidth() || next[1] == -1 || next[1] == this.getHeight()) { //next is off the board if (this.coordinatesEquals(current,source)) { //console.log("The gorgon can't stone in this direction!"); return undefined; //we don't want to return the source. This gorgon can't move in that direction. } else { return current; } } else { const content = this.board[next[0]][next[1]]; if (content.substring(0, 5) == "stone") { //the next space is a stone. Return the prior one. if (this.coordinatesEquals(current, source)) { return undefined; //not if we're at the same place } else { return current; } } else if (content != "blank") { return next; } } current = next; } console.log("Shouldn't reach here! (End of toStone)"); } /** * Determines whether a gorgon at a given location [col, row] can turn to the specified direction [col, row]. */ ,canFace: function(source, direction) { const neighborSpace = [source[0] + direction[0], source[1] + direction[1]]; return !(neighborSpace[0] == -1 || neighborSpace[0] == this.getWidth() || neighborSpace[1] == -1 || neighborSpace[1] == this.getHeight() || this.board[neighborSpace[0]][neighborSpace[1]].substring(0,5) == "stone"); } /** * Returns the eight possible directions. */ ,getDirections: function() { return [[0, 1], [0, -1], [1, 0], [-1, 0], [1, 1], [1, -1], [-1, 1], [-1, -1]]; } /** * Returns the locations of the gorgons for a specified player. */ ,getGorgons: function(playerId) { const gorgons = []; const gorgonName = "gorgon " + (playerId == 0 ? "blue" : "red"); for (var i = 0; i < this.getWidth(); i++) { for (var j = 0; j < this.getHeight(); j++) { const contents = this.board[i][j]; if (contents == gorgonName) { gorgons.push([i, j]); } } } return gorgons; } /** * Returns the options from a gorgon facing in one direction. */ ,getOptionsForGorgonInDirection: function(gorgonLoc, direction) { if (!this.canFace(gorgonLoc, direction)) { return []; } //console.log("gorgonLoc: " + gorgonLoc); //console.log("direction: " + direction); const options = []; const baseWithStone = this.clone(); const toStone = baseWithStone.toStone(gorgonLoc, direction); //console.log("toStone: " + toStone); baseWithStone.board[toStone[0]][toStone[1]] = "stone " + baseWithStone.board[toStone[0]][toStone[1]]; options.push(baseWithStone); //gorgon doesn't move var moveTo = [gorgonLoc[0] + direction[0], gorgonLoc[1] + direction[1]]; while (!this.coordinatesEquals(moveTo, toStone)) { //console.log("moveTo: " + moveTo); const option = baseWithStone.clone(); const gorgon = option.board[gorgonLoc[0]][gorgonLoc[1]]; //gorgon's name option.board[gorgonLoc[0]][gorgonLoc[1]] = "blank"; option.board[moveTo[0]][moveTo[1]] = gorgon; options.push(option); moveTo = [moveTo[0] + direction[0], moveTo[1] + direction[1]]; //console.log("option added!"); } return options; } /** * Gets the direction from between two locations. */ ,getDirectionFromPoints: function(source, destination) { const difference = [destination[0] - source[0], destination[1] - source[1]]; //check for illegal differences if (difference[0] != 0 && difference[1] != 0 && (Math.abs(difference[0]) != Math.abs(difference[1]))) { //illegal combination! return "Nope!"; } else { const direction = []; direction.push(difference[0] / (Math.max(1, Math.abs(difference[0])))); direction.push(difference[1] / (Math.max(1, Math.abs(difference[1])))); return direction; } } /** * Gets the options. */ ,getOptionsForPlayer: function(playerId) { const gorgons = this.getGorgons(playerId); const options = []; const directions = this.getDirections(); for (var i = 0; i < gorgons.length; i++) { const gorgon = gorgons[i]; //console.log("i: " + i); for (var j = 0; j < directions.length; j++) { //console.log("j: " + j); const direction = directions[j]; if (this.canFace(gorgon, direction)) { const newOptions = this.getOptionsForGorgonInDirection(gorgon, direction); for (var k = 0; k < newOptions.length; k++) { //console.log("k: " + k); options.push(newOptions[k]); } } } } return options; } /** * Returns the option for moving a gorgon. All three parameters are [row, col] cooredinates. */ ,getOptionFromMove: function(gorgonSource, newStoneLoc, gorgonDest) { const direction = this.getDirectionFromPoints(gorgonSource, newStoneLoc); console.log("direction: " + direction); if (this.canFace(gorgonSource, direction)) { const option = this.clone(); option.board[newStoneLoc[0]][newStoneLoc[1]] = "stone " + option.board[newStoneLoc[0]][newStoneLoc[1]]; const gorgonString = option.board[gorgonSource[0]][gorgonSource[1]]; option.board[gorgonSource[0]][gorgonSource[1]] = "blank"; option.board[gorgonDest[0]][gorgonDest[1]] = gorgonString; return option; } else { return null; } } /** * Returns whether two sets of coordinates are equal. */ ,coordinatesEquals: function(coordsA, coordsB) { return coordsA[0] == coordsB[0] && coordsA[1] == coordsB[1]; } }); //end of Gorgons class Gorgons.prototype.PLAYER_NAMES = ["Blue", "Red"];