Registration | Call for Talks | Agenda | Talk Abstracts | This Year's Game: Flag Coloring

When: Saturday, April 1, 2023

Where: Virtual

Sprouts is a Combinatorial Games Conference oriented towards undergraduate research, created as a joint collaboration between the University of New England and Florida Southern College. Sprouts is also a combinatorial game that is especially popular in the Netherlands.

What is CGT?

Combinatorial Game Theory is the mathematical study of turn-base games ("rulesets") where:

Many nice properties emerge from this, especially when we add games together. This conference is all about playing games, analyzing games, and even creating new games.

For a good introduction to Combinatorial Game Theory, we recommend these books:

Why Should I Attend Sprouts?

This conference includes talks oriented towards undergrads, sessions for looking at unsolved problems, and both a human and computer game tournament. Prior knowledge of Combinatorial Game Theory is not necessary. (The first talk will cover much of the basics.) Although we expect the topics to be mostly applicable for Math and Computing students, everyone who enjoys abstract games is welcome!

There is no registration fee for Sprouts.


There is no cost to register for this conference. Email Kyle () to officially register. (It's still free!) Please include "Sprouts 2023 Registration" in the subject line of your email and let me know what your name and institution/organization are.

Call for Talks

We are now accepting talk proposals. Preference will be given to talks by undergraduates and high-school students. All talks should be accessible to an undergraduate-level audience. Talk slots are usually 15 minutes long, and speakers should plan to talk for about 10 minutes, then answer questions for the remainder of the time.

To propose a talk, email your talk title and abstract to Kyle (). Please include whether you're an undergrad/grad student/professor/something else.


Friday, March 31: Local Tournament

Local events: There will be an in-person Flag Coloring tournament held at Florida Southern College starting about 3:05pm in the Weinstein Computer Science building, Room 108.

Saturday, April 1

Planned Events: (Talks get scheduled as they are accepted)

Talk Abstracts

Abstracts will continue to appear here as they are accepted.

Conference Ruleset

This year we'll be playing Flag Coloring! There are many ways to participate:

Travel Information

The main part of Sprouts 2023 will be held virtually.

Virtual Travel



Thanks to Florida Southern College Computer Science and University of New England Mathematics departments for supporting Sprouts 2023.

Other CGT

Previous Sprouts Conferences

Other Combinatorial Games Conferences