Friday, April 5, 2019

Mathematical Sciences Dept, UNE, Biddeford, ME, USA

Sprouts is a Combinatorial Games Conference oriented towards undergraduate research, created as a joint collaboration between the University of New England and Plymouth State University. Sprouts is also a combinatorial game that is especially popular in the Netherlands.


Events in Marcil 124 unless otherwise noted.

Talk Abstracts


There is no cost to register for this conference. Please email Kyle () if you plan to attend, so we can plan ahead for you. We'll do whatever we can to accommodate as many people as possible. We don't expect more than 30, but we'll be happy to include whomever we can.


Ryan Arbuckle, Lauren Hayden, Robert Kram, Emily Menichelli, Nathan Mozinski, Nick Paolini, Jillian Spero, Anonymous (1).



Thanks to the Mathematical Sciences Department at the University of New England for providing us with space for the talks.

Additionally, thanks to the Plymouth State Computer Science and Technology department for funding participation for Kyle Burke and his students.


Other Conferences

Previous Sprouts conferences

Other Combinatorial Games conferences

#sprouts2019   |   Contact: Kyle Burke -   |   Self-Link: