College Football Ranking

Welcome to my College Football Ranker! This ranks football teams using a general ranking algorithm I designed, but with some options you can choose. Select from the options below and then click on the button to generate the rankings. Warning: when you click on that button, many browsers will freeze up for a bit! (Chrome will just freeze this tab.) The page must calculate the rankings based on the options you chose. Depending on your computer, this can take a LONG TIME! Recommendation: open this page in a different browser (not just a different window) so you can keep doing stuff while the code runs.

Ranking Properties

I'm pretty opinionated about how rankings should be determined. I really don't trust humans to rank teams. You may disagree with that, or with some of these:

How does it work?

I'll add more details here later. Here's the brief version: all teams start with a rating of .5. Then it looks at all the games for each team and applies the score factor function to each margin of victory, multiplies that with the opponent's rating and sums those products. Once this sum has been determined for each team, those become the new ratings. We repeat the evaluation until all ratings converge; the order of those final ratings determines the ranking.

Evaluating the Ranking

Given a ranking, you can determine which games were actually upsets. From there you can evaluate the soundness of the ranking by some statistics based on the upsets. This page calculates those and reports them based on the ranking your options generate.

I expect that actually finding the ranking that minizes either of these is NP-hard. (If you know of that result, I'd love to link to it from here.) That would mean there's no efficient algorithm that can devise the ranking that minimizes these percentages.

Select Season

Season: (Future: add some old seasons.)

Season Stats

(Choose a season above.)

Ranking Options

Once you've picked a season, choose the parameters here to customize your ranker.

Max Margin of Victory

This is the maximum margin of victory that "counts". If a team beats another team by more than this value, then it's the same as if they'd beaten them by the max.

Score Factor Function

This determines how strong a win is. A loss by the same amount is a reflection through the line y = .5. Hover over the graph to see the actual function. (All graphs generated at fooplot.)

Linear Function

Logarithmic Function

Square Root Function

Quarter-Circle Function

Constant Function (Margin of victory doesn't matter)

<-- Wait! In case you didn't read above, clicking this will probably freeze your browser (or tab, for Chrome users) for a while. MOBILE USERS: do not click the button!

Ranking and Ratings

Ranking Stats

(Populates after you generate the rankings.)